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Choong Ming ;

I eat, sleep and shit. I'm your typical guy next door. I have alot of nicknames; hew kor, ming etc. But calling me ming/shane will do. I'm a 5% nerd, 25% gamer, 70% student and a 100% slacker. & I study in RP, though I can't wait to leave that school.

Just in case you didn't know, my birthday is on 22nd November. So you know what you should do ;D

I adore Arnold and Vocalist for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I love riding and making friends. I love reading books. Nah. Just kidding. Loads of smoke is MY secret to happiness. Oh, did I mention that my favourite drink is alcohol?

I despise childish fucks and hooligans. I don't like watching sad movies. Makes me wonder.

I crave for freedom. A PSP, a Gucci sweater & a macbook AIR would be good too!

Ah yes, I love to bullshit.

Music Playlist



The Forgotten
May 2008
August 2008


Designer: SHATTEREDreams_xx
Graphic: Adobe Photoshop
x x x x

friday's happenings
Friday, May 9, 2008 | 6:42 PM

hai.. today was sad as she didn't reply my question! and we did not make eye contact at each from the morning all the way till end of class! hmmm.. when i said bye to all of my classmates, then she looked at me with those sweet looking face of hers and wave goodbye to me.. hahah.. sweet man..

after school fetched my friend home and then went out to find my friends again. on the way out of the bike park of RP, I managed to bua my side stand of my bike. for the non-riders, these means that i corner to a very low angle in order to do this stunt. haha!

was so happy, man. first time that i did it.

still I miss her.. sad..

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.