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Choong Ming ;

I eat, sleep and shit. I'm your typical guy next door. I have alot of nicknames; hew kor, ming etc. But calling me ming/shane will do. I'm a 5% nerd, 25% gamer, 70% student and a 100% slacker. & I study in RP, though I can't wait to leave that school.

Just in case you didn't know, my birthday is on 22nd November. So you know what you should do ;D

I adore Arnold and Vocalist for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I love riding and making friends. I love reading books. Nah. Just kidding. Loads of smoke is MY secret to happiness. Oh, did I mention that my favourite drink is alcohol?

I despise childish fucks and hooligans. I don't like watching sad movies. Makes me wonder.

I crave for freedom. A PSP, a Gucci sweater & a macbook AIR would be good too!

Ah yes, I love to bullshit.

Music Playlist



The Forgotten
May 2008
August 2008


Designer: SHATTEREDreams_xx
Graphic: Adobe Photoshop
x x x x

my song, my love song
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 | 1:22 PM

Ok. Here goes. This is the first time I ever came up with a song, just to say how much I love you.

[Verses 1]
First day in class, I saw your sweet face
Getting to know you was exciting
Slowly, I took notice of you
The kinda angel I've been searching for
Anticipation grows, for the day to be out with you.

Hey there sweetie.
Do you know you're my angel, my love?
How I wish you are mine
I wish. I wish. If only you were to be here for me.

[Verses 2]
The day has come.
Cherishing every second I had with you
Trying every second to make you happy
Taking every second to take care of you
Wishing every second would freeze. And stop.

Hey there baby.
Do you know you're my angel, my love?
How I wish you are mine
I know. I know. You won't be here for me.

[Verses 3]
The moment has come
The time I held your hands
The time I held you around your waist
The time you put your head onto my shoulder
It's time to say goodbye
Seeing you leave hurts me
But.. Your care cheered me up.

[Break down]
Night time when love grows
It was the night that tore my heart apart
You said hurtful things, saying that we can't be
I loved you with all my heart, with all my life and with all my soul
Yet, it wasn't enough
Days went by having insomnia, nothing seemed to cheer me up except you

Who would have known?
You were my first love
You are the one that tore my heart apart
The nightmares keep occurring at night
All I asked for
A word


It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.