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Choong Ming ;

I eat, sleep and shit. I'm your typical guy next door. I have alot of nicknames; hew kor, ming etc. But calling me ming/shane will do. I'm a 5% nerd, 25% gamer, 70% student and a 100% slacker. & I study in RP, though I can't wait to leave that school.

Just in case you didn't know, my birthday is on 22nd November. So you know what you should do ;D

I adore Arnold and Vocalist for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I love riding and making friends. I love reading books. Nah. Just kidding. Loads of smoke is MY secret to happiness. Oh, did I mention that my favourite drink is alcohol?

I despise childish fucks and hooligans. I don't like watching sad movies. Makes me wonder.

I crave for freedom. A PSP, a Gucci sweater & a macbook AIR would be good too!

Ah yes, I love to bullshit.

Music Playlist



The Forgotten
May 2008
August 2008


Designer: SHATTEREDreams_xx
Graphic: Adobe Photoshop
x x x x

heartbreak confessions
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 | 7:58 AM

Well. I guess she found someone that she already like. And she claimed that she do not like someone that easily. HA!

Guess we can't really be together. Still, I would think about you but who cares? I mean you don't even care.

Thanks for the 1day and a half memories. You were the first ever to give me hope and crumple it like a withered leaf.

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

my song, my love song
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 | 1:22 PM

Ok. Here goes. This is the first time I ever came up with a song, just to say how much I love you.

[Verses 1]
First day in class, I saw your sweet face
Getting to know you was exciting
Slowly, I took notice of you
The kinda angel I've been searching for
Anticipation grows, for the day to be out with you.

Hey there sweetie.
Do you know you're my angel, my love?
How I wish you are mine
I wish. I wish. If only you were to be here for me.

[Verses 2]
The day has come.
Cherishing every second I had with you
Trying every second to make you happy
Taking every second to take care of you
Wishing every second would freeze. And stop.

Hey there baby.
Do you know you're my angel, my love?
How I wish you are mine
I know. I know. You won't be here for me.

[Verses 3]
The moment has come
The time I held your hands
The time I held you around your waist
The time you put your head onto my shoulder
It's time to say goodbye
Seeing you leave hurts me
But.. Your care cheered me up.

[Break down]
Night time when love grows
It was the night that tore my heart apart
You said hurtful things, saying that we can't be
I loved you with all my heart, with all my life and with all my soul
Yet, it wasn't enough
Days went by having insomnia, nothing seemed to cheer me up except you

Who would have known?
You were my first love
You are the one that tore my heart apart
The nightmares keep occurring at night
All I asked for
A word


It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

the song
Monday, May 19, 2008 | 4:49 AM

coming up with a song of my own soon. just to show my love for her.

oh. practiced the song 'your guardian angel' and left with only the strumming part which I'm still not very good at. fuck. I don't even know how to tune a damn guitar.

are you in love with someone else or you just don't like me?

chance is all I need.

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

Sunday, May 11, 2008 | 11:59 PM

today is mother's day! hahaha! happy mother's day to my mum! lol.. if only my mum know how to use internet... argh... didn't give my mum anything.. shit... felt so guilty, man..

in the afternoon, went to learn guitar from Frances' friend, Aiden. shit la.. im still stuck at the strumming part.. other than that, i'm quite alright with the chords.. learning guardian angel for her.. haha!

rushed home to prepare and go out again with my mum and bro to celebrate mum's day by having dinner together! lol. sometimes i wish my dad would be here with us. broken up family and girlfriendless! combo lor!!! sian..

overall, my mum had lots of laughter as the people from the restaurant welcomed her as she was the restaurant's long lost customer.. haha.

late at night, need to fetch jian wei to jun long's house. then in the end, made my mum sad.. felt guilty again.. ooh my!

called Frances late at night to chat.. whenever i'm bored or troubled, i would call her up! lol.. dont think too much ar.. she reminded me of that time, when i went drinking after I skipped class.. was quite drunk and I was riding.. she said i was crazy, do such a crazy thing..

the reason? her.

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

friday's happenings
Friday, May 9, 2008 | 6:42 PM

hai.. today was sad as she didn't reply my question! and we did not make eye contact at each from the morning all the way till end of class! hmmm.. when i said bye to all of my classmates, then she looked at me with those sweet looking face of hers and wave goodbye to me.. hahah.. sweet man..

after school fetched my friend home and then went out to find my friends again. on the way out of the bike park of RP, I managed to bua my side stand of my bike. for the non-riders, these means that i corner to a very low angle in order to do this stunt. haha!

was so happy, man. first time that i did it.

still I miss her.. sad..

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

If only time can be turned back.

I kept thinking that if only I could spend more time with her on that day. Would I have been able to deepen her feelings for me?

All I can do now is cherish the time we once had together and hope that there is a chance again.

They say rely on fate? If fate goes against me, then that is not fate. I only believe in fairy tale's fate where everything has a happy ending.


a short video clip that describes what kinda situation I'm in. Would I have a happy ending like what the guy in the video had?

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

Poetic me..

for so many years
i thought i found the tree
intended to cut it down into half
and yet it still stays strong
wanted to put it in a habitat where only fairy tales exist
but the tree remains unmoved

should i persist or not? when i know that she is the one.

her birthday will speak for me.

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

Thursday, May 8, 2008 | 7:18 PM

hai.. just now made a mistake by confronting her.. just wanted to clear my doubt and didn't know i made it worst instead..

maybe i'm being jealous for no good reason but at least i want you to know that the reason that i got jealous is because i love you..

saw her blog and the phrase 'affairs of the heart'... hmmm.. I'm wondering if she is referring to me or not? i'm happy, thinking that she may be referring to me but at the same time, i'm sad, fearing that she may be referring to her ex or some other guy..

i'm sorry that i have pissed you off in any way.. really meant no harm by asking that just now..

but you replied, saying that I do not know you well enough.. how can I know you well if you don't even give me the chance to know you well? argh... when will be the next time i can go out with you again? and relive the memories just like that day?

you are like a thorn in my heart but at the same time you are like a flower that bloomed in my heart, with a bright sun shining to give it love and care..

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

my dream

haha... just being random.. now i'm going to learn guitar and play the song 'Your Guardian Angel' by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus to her..

hopefully, one day, i can play it for her.. =(

and wish that it can touch her heart..

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.

Happy yet sad =) =(

first time blogging.. haha! hmmm.. didn't really done much, just went to find buddy, boon siew, to sentosa to give purple, his beloved the hp.. cos purple's hp no batt already.. go until sentosa just to give her, his hp sio.. boon siew so devoted to her, man... but i worry for him at the same time..

next, me and boon was waiting for her to dismiss from work, we waited for 2++ hours man! sian... my steadiness killed myself.. i was rushing for time as i wanted to meet my 'her' after work.. wanted to give her a surpise.. haha! was super happy to spend some quality yet short time together with her..

ooh yar.. i almost banged onto a bus with her behind... luckily nth happened.. didn't want anything to happen to her... she's my precious love... hehe.. and while i was going straight, she suddenly told me to turn right and we almost hit the curb lor... and she was like laughing away... hahaha.. just seeing her smile and laugh makes me real happy...

yes, you may think that i'm crazy or foolish but i admit i'm foolishly in love! =)

when it's time to part, didn't bare to let her go... hai... sad... oh yar, she's not my girlfriend for your information..

are these all tests you set for me? i really wish it is. nothing can describe how much i love you, my ugly princess.

It's not easy to love you;
because you'll never know I do.